I don't want to get too personal but if you haven't noticed I haven't been a round a lot. I mean I used to be really good about getting content out, then this year I have just been not as wanting to be active around here. call it ennui. I want to write more but I can't seem to get excited about it lately. I will blame my job here, I always have great ideas while at work but by the time I get home they are gone, or just not as exciting as they once where. please don't tell me to write them down when I have the idea. most of them come in ways that are not describable in a few short words and while I have an Ipod with me it takes far too much time and effort to writer them out using the touch screen for it to be worth it. Plus we have a 'strict' no texting rule. it's dumb and yes I break it, however checking what a text says takes up way less time then trying to write down the grand inspiration that I just had. if I were to stop working and start typing "use the theory of hummers for a bases of the medical understanding. Thea's sanguine levels are dropping duh because she has been shot and they have to stop the bleeding but while the sanguine levels drop the melancholy levels rise. oh and when I get them to Miz or what ever I am going to call it the doctor that finds them is a magnet healer, who has to do some chiropractic type work on her as well as other 'stitch' tip healing methods-as always more magic then science. oh and Nehim can't fly how does he keep them from getting killed. and what should Elliot be doing this whole time....
It goes on but imagine trying to type that with one hand while trying to keep working so the boss doesn't suspect you might be doing something you are not supposed to be doing. believe me it is not fun. stickers suck for the record I may have a very hard time giving my kids stickers because of how much I hate them right now.
any way so here's the thing. I could blog about any number of things crafting, writing, that story about Novalee, books I am reading, fantasy books I like. but what do you want to here about? why do you keep coming back to my blog and reading my ramblings. right now I think I need some... I hate to say it but encouragement. I had such grand hopes for this remolded blog, and now it feels like my 'ennui' is getting to me. So please let me know what do you want to read about? you have 5 options:
1. Crafting and creating
2. Writing
3.Novalee's story
4. Books- reviews, thoughts, analysis
5... alright I lied, only four options.
I'm fascinated most by crafting and creating. I appreciate book reviews and stuff, but it only holds my interest to a point. ;)
And LOL to the four options. That was funny ;D
Gloria, I used to have the exact same problem you now have. Seriously, you can beat this. Seriously. Have I emphasized this enough?
Forget about writing things down, it never really worked for me either. Remember feelings through word association. IT WORKS! It's worked for me!
This is how you do it: When you get a good idea associate a word with it. Something like this: You've just had a brilliant idea about a mermaid story. Associate mermaid with the feeling you're getting. Next thing to do is forget about it. Honestly, put it out of your mind.
When you get home, close your eyes and remember the word mermaid. Believe me, all of a sudden the idea will flood your mind and you won't be able to stop from writing it all down in one sitting!
Give it a shot. I've tried everything and this is the only thing that's helped me! :D
BTW, I'm following your blog because of this post! ;)
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