Cast-on: well in it has surtanly been a while I should have lots to talk about here right? well actually only to things have been cast on sense last we spoke. 1. The Hexagonal CarryAll, and 2.Sweet Shopp Scarf.
1. The Hexigonal CarryAll: this pattern can be found in the January 2012 edition of Creative Knits which my In-Laws were kind enough to buy me a subscription to for Christmas. You remember forever ago when I talked about that hideous yarn that I had no idea what to do with? Well I figured sence it was a self striping Yarn if I put it in a pattern that would break up the stripes it might look cool. I think it works out pretty nicely. however very sadly there is still going to be a lot left when this bag is done. I also decided to use some blue yarn from my stash to give it a bit of something different. I think it will work out just fine. I am going to do the draw string closer and the straps in the blue. if nothing else it will make a great new project bag. Which means I can cast-on more great projects soon.
2. Sweet Shopp Scarf: This pattern I made up. I took a simple three stitch cable and a three stitch eyelet to make a cable and lace scarf. this is the left over yarn from the Mandelbrot Hat. I don't think it is going to be quite what i wanted it to be so I may rip it out and start over making in a thinner scarf but wee will see. for now I like it the way it is. oh and here is a picture of the Mandelbrot Had the pattern can be found at Knitty
Eureka!: As disappointing as this is going to sound I have only finished one thing sense last we talked. It was my own little invention of The Cobweb Scarf:
turned out pretty nice didn't it?
Re-run: now this is where I have a lot to talk about. because well I have a lot to talk about. So many Projects that will not let me finish them. they just are there and I want to work on all of them, but not enough to finish any of them.
2. My experimental hair net. it is coming along nicely. it is a nice before bed knit. a nice small project that keeps me just focused enough. I think it will look nice particularily right now while my hair is bright red.
huh, I thought i had a lot more to talk about there....oh well
Grrrr!: I am trying to knit my husband a pair of socks. I am using the pattern from the book Knits Men Want. every thing was going so so well. then I got to the heel. now I was at DND the night if first tried to turn this heel and my character was being completely useless and dying (she does that a lot lately) so being frustrated at my knitting while trying to participate in a battle is like lighting a candle on both ends and then having a fan pointed at each end. Then I got it home and tried again. well I thought i had figured it out but when i went to try it on his foot it... it didn't fit. So I did what I always do when a project frustrates me, I un-did it, with every intention of starting again, it just didn't work out that way. the yarn is just sitting in a pile waiting to be come a sock. I just am not sure how to start it again. I mean the heal was just not working. My plan is to take some of my stash yarn and do an experimental sock and see if using biter needles and non sock yarn I can figure out how to make it work.

well that is all for now so I hope you like looking at all my fun projects and till next time remember wooden needles are not just for knitting, they also make great stakes to kill vampires with.
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