Monday, March 21, 2011

The Simple Women's Daybook 1

FOR TODAY: March 21 2011
You can find more daybooks at Simple woman's daybook

Outside my window: It is late so there isn't much to see. 

I am thinking: it is  good thing that i got more hours at work, the only problem is that I now have more hours at work. 

I am thankful for: Friends and the fun times we have. 

From the Kitchen: Lately Greg and i have been having fun experimenting with a cook book we got for our wedding called the Flavor bible.  our latest was East Indian chicken

I am wearing: Jeans and my Forget bing a princess I want to be a vampire slayer shirt. 

I am creating: my first sweater, it seems to be going well. 

I am going: to bed soon, after I shower. 

I am reading: the Simarilion, though I haven't had a lot of time for reading Lately. 

I am hoping: that I will be able to sleep tonight, had a bad case of not sleeping lately. 

I am hearing: The refrigerator.  

Around the house: blankets

One of my favorite things: quiet nights at home. 

Sadly no picture this week, I will share more next week to make up for it. 


Elizabeth said...

I am so glad your also doing the simple woman. I missed it this week but I'll be back next Sunday.

I want a "forget being a princess I want to be a vampire slayer shirt" too!

I remember reading the Simarilion, I think my favourite part was the opening "creation" story. Are you enjoying it?

Unknown said...

isn't it great my husband made it for me.

I am really loving the simarilion, i think it is the most beautiful thing i have ever read. I love the creation story and how Illuvatar fixes the brokenness but adding in tragedy which is beautiful because it is sad.