Thursday, August 02, 2007


the wonderfulest part of the sumer in church buisness. VBS. our theme is Indiana Jones. and i have been having so much fun because I am incharge of the story telling which means i am Dekota Joe. I love VBS and i love being one of the leaders now that i am too old to be one of the kids.

the sad thing is more and more churches are not having VBS anymore. many times it is because they can not get enough helpers. and i think that is sad because VBS was one place where I learned alot about God and Jesus. not to menchion i can still sing many of the songs i sang wail at VBS.

and i guess i can not imagen why anyone would not want to be involved in this ministry. it's fun I have been volinteering at VBS sence i was in Jr. High. but then that is just me.

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