Monday, November 08, 2010

Achie Smith Boy Wonder Part IX

For Part I

     Early the next morning Ria pulled her truck up to the Smith's house.  "Well Archie, you ready to go home."
    Archie nodded and undid his seat belt.
    "Before you go, here." she handed him a glass vile, "You should have this." inside the vile was shiney metalic dust, "It's the dey, so you remember that you saved the world even if you can't talk about it."
     Archie took it, "cause people won't believe me and think i am crazy, Right?"
     The door to the house opened and Archie's parents stepped out, "Can I tell my mom?"
     Ria nodded Thoughtfully with a smile, "I think she'll believe you." she patted him on the shoulder, "Go on."
     Archie Got out of the car and ran to his parents.  Ria smiled as she watched Archie's father take his son in his arms and Archie's mother weep as she kissed him. "Congratulations Archie, Boy wonder." Ria put the truck in drive and left.


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