Monday, September 26, 2011

The Simple woman's daybook 13

For Today: July 19, 2011 For more day books
Outside my window... Rain. kinda gloomy

I am thinking...The strangeness of the dream I had

I am thankful...Relaxing Sundays

In the kitchen... Left overs

I am wearing...Purple Pj pants, white tank, and my house coat.

I am creating... Knitting: Dish cloth, Cinderella socks. I plan to cast on a new baby hat. Drawing: the icon I hope to add some other projects here.  writing Ashes and Snowflakes and The Rescue.

I am going...To the Jones' tonight, like I do most Mondays.I'm also going to change up my hours at work. 

I am wondering...If i can actually make my new plan for getting stuff done work. 

I am reading...Reading Mansfield Park and the Simmarillion , listening to the Starter and Jane Erye. 

I am hoping... To finish thank-yous (then we get Five Guys on Saturday)

I am looking forward to...Having Josh and Lisa over for dinner on Friday. 

I am hearing... The Daily Audio bible. and the school buses going through the neighborhood. 

One of my favorite things... Cookie dough

A few plans for the rest of the week: Games and pizzia at the Jones', ballett, bible study, and dinner with Josh and Lisa. 

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