For Today: January 7, 2012Click here for more day books
Outside my window...I'm in my kitchen so out one window I see the out of control hedge which is an evergreen plant so that is nice. it is all ways nice to see a little green. out the other there are winter trees waiting to feel the shift in the earth when spring will come shining through. and there houses and telephone polls which all remind me that i live in much to dense an area for my true liking, but that is what this little barbarian has to deal with sense she left the empty mountains and married a rogue from the city.
I am thinking... about how glad I am that it is Saturday. and also about some of the world building of my top secret story project.-I hope for it to be six books long and it is my Magnom Ompus. I will be very hush hush about it because well i really want it to be a surprise and I don't know how long it will be before I actually get around to writing it. for now I just play with it. but here is a little taste, there are two kinds of magic stone magic and tree magic. Most anyone can who is bent that way can use tree magic but very very few people believe in stone magic.
I am thankful...For Epiphany. that was yesterday. we have now left Christmas Tide and move into the season of epiphany a time to think and reflect on the life of Christ. yesterday is also known as three kings day because it is the day traditionally when we recognize that kings from the east came and worship the lord as a very young child.
In the kitchen...remnants from last night, I do dishes in the morning so I haven't started them yet. but there is something very special Yingling Lager from New Jersey.
I am wearing... My favorite Lounge clothes, my purple PINK sweats and my purple camisole.
I am creating... Knitting: getting last year's Que cleaned out. so lots of dish cloths and baby hats that need to get made. Drawing I will talk about on Tuesday, and writing is just getting revved up for the new year.
I am going.. Go shopping with Lisa today. Our humble little ballet class has been incorporated into the the Academy so we now have to get our dance clothing up to the dress code.
I am wondering... if I can actually finish Inheritance this time around. I just got it again from the library hopefully I can get it read soon.
I am reading...The Inheritance by Christopher Paolini just restarted it on my walk home from the library. I have three chapters left of The Silmarillian by Tolkien, The Allpro By Scott Sigler, I have given up on Shape Shifters by, S. Lawrence Parrish it is too graphic, just when I thought it couldn't get any worse it did. it started out with the kind of sex and gore that is found in Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin (which by the way Greg and I finely finished!) but then it took three steps farther and I decided that I didn't want my head filled with that kind of crap. seriously I thought The Other Boleyn Girl was bad, this was worse! What else, What else....Oh Yeah I am also reading From Homer to Harry by Dickerson and O'Hara, and The Neverending Story By Michel End. and Greg and I are rereading Interesting Times by Terry Pratchett. Oh and I am still working on my careful reading (by which i relisten to each story for a week or that was the original plan till i hit wife of bath) of the Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer. -yeah Darcy it is probably a good thing we aren't reading Pride and Prejudice right now apparently I have a lot that I am reading right now too.
I am hoping...To get some more drawing done.
I am looking forward to...Shopping with Lisa! it is always fun to hang out with her.
I am hearing... Greg milling about the house.
One of my favorite things... Saturday morning walks.
A few plans for the rest of the week: Ballet starts up this week, we might make it to bible study this week, Greg's game is going to start up this week. um....I think that might be it.
A video I feel like sharing... In honor of Epiphany I give you Straight No Chasers We Three Kings:
A video I feel like sharing... In honor of Epiphany I give you Straight No Chasers We Three Kings:
I'm sorry you found Shape Shifters to be too graphic. I have a "cleaner" version of the tale, but it just isn't honest, given the prevailing theme of the "animal" that exists in everyone. Maybe give SHAT a try (there's a scene two-thirds of the way through where a schizophrene captures a cat that you might want to speed through). At any rate, thanks for listening!
You read a lot of books from lots of different genres. I don't know much about Epiphany, but it sounds like it was a good time of celebration for you.
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